Basic Information
- Nature of Business : Exporter and Manufacturer
- Company CEO : Owner
- Legal Status of Firm : Limited Company (Ltd./Pvt.Ltd.)
- Annual Turnover : Rs. 25 - 50 Crore
- GST No : 33AAICS7969M1ZI
- CIN No : U51909TZ2004PTC011085
Statutory Profile
About The Company
Essvee Wires India Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company that is actively engaged in the manufacturing of Enameled Copper Wires in India. The company deals in products ranging from Enameled Copper Wires, Bare Copper Wires and Submersible Winding Wires. We use the best available skilled manpower and state of the art technology to ensure best quality of end product. We follow rigorous quality checks at every stage of the winding wire manufacturing process. With quality production and prompt services, we have set a benchmark in quality that is widely acclaimed in today’s market.
ISO Certification
Essvee Wires India Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company
Client Satisfaction
"We have satisfied our long list of esteemed clients all over India, who will vouch for our quality products and timely service."
Our Infrastructure
We have a modern manufacturing facility that makes us capable in accomplishing the entire production schedule within the stipulated time period. Our products are manufactured under a team of experienced professionals and technical personnel. Each process that is carried out is monitored constantly and is systematically tested at each production stage to ensure consistent and excellent quality of the final output.